How To Submit Site Map To Google WebMaster Tool For Seo Optimization
If you are a new blogger then you should be aware with the Google Webmaster Tools. This is a great tool which is provided by Google itself. It is useful for bloggers and webmasters to get their blog or website index by the Google and it also help to improve our blog’s crawling rate.
You just need to verify your blog ownership in Google Webmaster Tools and then submit a simple sitemap. It is very important to submit blogger sitemap to Google in terms of SEO which tells Google about your blog and its content.
Whenever you update your blog with new posts, your sitemap helps to index them easily in search engines. This is what we are going to discuss in this post. Let see how to add blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.
Whenever you update your blog with new posts, your sitemap helps to index them easily in search engines. This is what we are going to discuss in this post. Let see how to add blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.
Submit Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools
Below are some easy steps you have to go through in terms to submit your blogspot blog sitemap.
- Sign in to Google Webmaster Tools.
- Click on the blog title for which you want to add sitemap.
- Click on Sitemapsbutton as shown below.
- At the top right corner of the page, pressAdd/Test sitemapbutton.
- Once you click the button, a small box will appear as shown in the screenshot below.
- Add the below code in the text field.
This is the sitemap code for your blogger blog which you need to add.
- Press “Submit Sitemap” button.
- Refresh the page.
Congratulation! You have finished the process of submitting your blog sitemap.
Note: The above sitemap will work for 500 posts only. If you have more than 500 posts published in your blog, then you have to add one more sitemap. The Whole procedure will be same but at this time you have to add this code.
The sitemap which we submit to Google Webmaster Tools is a XML sitemap which is used by search engines to find our content easily
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