Blogger allows its users to easily connect a blog with Google Analytics. It is a free service that provides advanced statistics about the traffic and visitors to a website or blog that the blogger’s own stats just could not match.
And you should use Google Analytics to your blog as it provides in-Page analytics to see how users really interact with your pages. Know how visitors are coming to your site, understand what they are looking for and what learn they are sharing or how and why they are leaving.
Google Analytics and Blogger integration is very easy, just follow few steps mentioned below;
Step-1: Sign-up/Log-in to Google Analytics
Log in to your Google Analytics account. If you do not have a Google Analytics account then go to and click “Access Google Analytics” than click “Sign Up” on the next page.
Step-2: Fill-up the Information and Create a Google Analytics Property for your Blog
If do not have an Analytics account then the next page Titled “New Account”; click “Website” in “what you like to track”; Select “Universal Analytics”, Fill-up the information below and insert your blog/website URL than click “Get Tracking ID” and then “Accept”.
If you already have a account in Analytics then Click “Admin”. On the Property section of that page click on the dropdown menu than click “Create new property”. Now you should also lick “Website” in “what you like to track”; Select “Universal Analytics”, Fill-up the information below with insert the blog/website URL then click “Get Tracking ID”.
Step-3: Copy the Tracking Code
Go to “Admin” in Google Analytics.
Select your Account and Property that you have just created in Step-2.
Under the section “Property” click “Tracking Info” > “Tracking Code”.
You will see the tracking code is given. Copy it.
Step-4: Add Google Analytics Tracking Code in Blogger Template
Go to Blogger dashboard > select your blog > Template,
Open the template editor by clicking “Edit HTML”.
Search for </body> in the template editor.
Paste the Google Analytics Tracking just before the </body>.
Click “Save Template”.
That’s all is required to Google Analytics in Blogger blogs. Within few minutes you will see your website data on Google Analytics Reporting section.
There is another way of adding the Google Analytics Tracking code in the Blogger blog. Even though it is done from the Blogger dashboard, it will not use the new Universal Analytics.
Go to Blogger dashboard > Select your blog > Template > click “Edit HTML”. On the template editor search for:-
<b:include data='blog' name='google-analytics'/>
If you cannot find it in the template, then search for </body> and paste the above code just below it and click “save template”.
Now go to Blogger dashboard > select your blog > Settings > Other > Google Analytics > Paste your Google Analytics Tracking ID (find it/created in step-2 & 3) in the text box (Analytics Web Property ID) > Click “Save Settings” button on the right-top corner of that page.
If you follow this method (path-b); the <b:include> tag should be in the template or you will not be able to use Google Analytics for your blogger.
You are done, Now enjoy the Google Analytics service for your blog. If you ever forget your tracking ID for the site, then just go log in to the Analytics site, click Admin, click the dropdown menu on the Property section and you should find it here; if not click the name of the of the property and click Tricking Info > Tracking Code.
Do share this with friends and comment to let me know if you are facing any problem in applying this tips.
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