Is your iOS device giving you so much problems? Are you tired of the disturbing issues on your iPhone and iPad devices? Well, like every other electronic device, iPhone has its own problems and bugs that sometimes prove too worrisome for the user but the good news is that i have solution for most of the common problems seen on iOS devices.

iPhone is among the top respected Smartphones in the world and Apple stands very tall among the top notch smartphone industries on earth at the moment. We have seen many beautiful and amazing products from Apple including the iPhone 5, iPhone SE , iPhone 6, iPhone 6S , iPhone 7 and more are still expected to surface as time goes on. So lets look at some common problems with iOS Devices and how to solve them one after the other.


1. Lost of apps after an update
Someone brought her iPhone for me some weeks ago and was like... Wizy, after updating my iPhone, all my applications vanished and no where to be found, please help me.
So i restored the apps by opening iTunes, and connect the iPhone, then i clicked on the “File menu" and transfered all the purchases. And her apps were back.

2. Sudden Crashing Of Touchscreen
This touchscreen issue is also noticed on android devices atimes but in this context, we are concentrating on iPhone and iPad devices. Your phone touchscreen might be misbehaving, making it difficult to open apps or type words smoothly. Well, this is traceable to what is called the proximity sensor on your phone. Whenever it malfunctions, it starts affecting your phone touchscreen.
To fix this problem, simply tap your phone on the high left and reboot it immediately. Your iPhone TouchPad should be normal again but if the issue persist, kindly take it to an certified iPhone technician.

3 My iPhone fell inside water
Here comes the popular question on the Internet. What will i do if my iPhone fall into water? The answer is simple, pick it up as fast as you can, switch it off 📴 and remove the back case if yours is removable. Wait for the water to dry. You can bring it out for sunshine to dry it up but don't force it to get dried by using something like hairdryer because it could cause more damage to your lovely iOS device. You are advised to wait for about 2 days before attempting to switch it ON again.
An iPhone or iPad that falls inside seawater is much less more likely to work again meaning that phones that fell into clean water are likely to work again after being dried up than the ones that fell into dirty water.

4. iPhone Crashed Totally
Atimes, your iphone will be angry with you and decide to go exile by completely crashing so that you will leave it alone but as a geek, you have to tell it that you are the boss and revive it back.
To achieve this, swap to DFU mode. Connect your iPhone to a PC and launch iTunes. Long-press the main-Home button and the “On/Off” button for about 10 seconds.
As soon as it gets to 10 seconds, launch the “On/Off” and also holding the main button untill iTunes notifies that it has detected an iPhone that is in restoration mode. Now, launch the main button.
After that, exit "DFU mode" by disconnecting your iPhone and pressing “On/Off” button to reboot it.

5. iPhone screen is blocked
Is your iPhone screen blocked? What do you do if your iphone screen is blocked?
Follow this step to fix it and restore your blocked iphone or iPad screen. “tap three fingers in your screen for two or three consecutive times” this simple trick has worked so many times for so many iPhone devices. Just try it whenever your ios screen is locked 🔒

6. Lost of all contacts
This is one of the common issues on iOS devices. You just wake up one morning and all your contacts are gone just like that. Its frustrating and may affect your social and business life.
To fix this problem, Re-import the contacts that are on your SIM card by going to Settings>Mail>Contacts>Calendars> Import SIM Contacts.

7. The “Home” button not working again
Is your iphone home button not working anymore? You can try to fix it by "calibration". You can calibrate by opening any app, press the ON/OFF button until you see the slide to power OFF shown on the screen. Then launch Power ON/OFF button and press the home button again to get back to home screen.
This is the step to calibrate your home button but if at all this couldn't fix the problem, then it might be a hardware problem probably caused by dust articles. Take it to a certified iPhone technician for servicing.

8. iPhone unable to turn on
Whenever you are faced with the issue of your iphone not switching ON, just apply this step to fix it.
Try to reset the device by long-pressing the “On/Off” button and the “Home” button for a about 11 seconds until you see the display of Apple brand logo. Another possible cause of this could be your battery, it might be drained. So try to recharge it and switch ON your iphone again.

9. iPhone keeps rebooting after installation of iOS 8.0.1
Few iPhone users that upgraded to iOS version 8.0.1 had the issue of constant restarting of their phone after the installing the OS but i have a fix for that. Just remove the SIM card from your cellphone, then enable 3G network and Cellular Data. Finally, reinsert the SIM card again in your phone.

10. Issues with connecting to the web and browsing
This is another common issue to few older iPhone devices. After contacting your network provider for configuration and the problem persist, i advice you to upgrade your iOS to the latest version as it has been fixed.

I hope this piece of article and solutions to common iPhone problems is of help to you. By applying these fixes, you will probably not going to be visiting the phone engineers on frequent basis.

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