Hello tweakers, meet NetifyVPN, the new modded Psiphon handler app that is now added to the number of compulsory apps for all the tweakers in the room.
Netify works like Psiphon and SyponShield but with some new designs and remolded settings. Our well known programmer, Odiseo onze, as usual, have remolded Psiphon app to bring out this Netify and I have been working on it and testing it for different free browsing cheats available now.
The first one tested was bblited and it just connected in seconds without any hitch
==> It is comple
tely redesignedwithh new graphics
==> There is connectionn key this time on the notifications bar
==> There is no place to add or remove region or countries. (Yet working)
==> the default handler settings is there but with new user interface
==> New icon added
Download Below
Download Netify Vpn.apk
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