10 things in your computer you might not know are .exe
Hello friends. Am here with a post on telling you 10 things on your PC you don't know are in .exe format. When you using computer, you might not know that the item you are using is .exe executable file.
These are top ten items :
1. Control panel
Yes, Control panel is control.exe
2. Your taskbar and windows
its name is explorer.exe
3. .vbs files
These vbs files run with cscript.exe orwscript.exe
4. Your auto driver installation
All plug&play drivers use newdev.exe
5. Safe Remove Hardware
This is DeviceEject.exe
6. Font installing
fontview.exe is using to install fonts.
7. Logoff,restart,shutdown
Incredible, but they are logoff.exe, shutdown.exe /r and shutdown.exe
8. When Internet Explorer installed?
Never knew this : setIEInstalledDate.exe
9. Volume
Sndvol.exe is behind it.
10. UAC
It is UserAccountControlSettings.exe
Hope you like it!
Thank you.
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